About Jose Mathew
About Jose Mathew
Well, first of all, I would like to welcome you to the new and improved portfolio of Jose MATHEW. Artistic mind is more than just a portfolio and a web design business. It is a vision. It is the thoughts, the life, the "mind" of Web designer Jose mathew. Art is a learning experience, and this site was made not only to show the work I have completed, but to also record the progress that I have made. I am impressed with my progress. The web is such a diverse world and there is so much to learn. I plan on learning much more little by little.

My Vision
When I look at art I see more than just a painting or a digital design. I see a person, a personality. Most of the time, text believe it or not can allow me so see someone in their art a bit easier. The entire mode of an art piece can be altered with different variations of: text, colors, layout, or techniques. My view to the design world is simple: think, plan, create. This process makes life so much easier, and I can organize my thoughts much more efficiently. As for influence; life is my biggest influence. Although it can be anything, most of the time it is either music, or a relationship. Love can mean so many things, and people view love so differently, and it usually comes out in my art.
I realize that not everyone is open-minded, but I hope that maybe the next time you view an art piece, you may look at it in a different perspective. Have a nice, long look around. Here is a tip: try to imagine other "senses" being stimulated. If it is a painting of grapes, imaging the taste of grapes, or if its a 3d lighthouse, imaging the sound of waves crashing, or the smell of the beach. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in my long, but still not finished journey. - Jose Mathew
About Career
I have developed the following skill set from my time at University where I studied Computer Animation and Bachelor Degree specializing in website design. My full time position for an Animator cum Web Designer, that's because i was seating in front of computer and didn't wanted to do anything in traditional way . The day results declared i started working and still working here and there , with some of the good names with some of the best peoples with some of the most unknown companies and some of the best friends in my life.
I have been Animation and Designing with various software's through out my time at College where I have learnt how to pick new softwares very quickly to complete each project within the deadline.
Furthermore while at College I studied several modules that have helped me with website design. Such modules looked at the quality of website design, analysis of the methodologies of users, methods of navigation and reasons for exiting a site and what attracts users back to a site. I am continually improving my skill set to ensure that I can provide the correct solution to the problem put before me and also to feel that I have the most up to date and current knowledge base I can. Please Check my Projects Link and view my online Web projects I have completed and that I am currently working on.