Now freelancers can get work permit in Dubai

Now Residents can obtain a new freelance package in Dubai Media City (DMC) and Dubai Knowledge Park (DKP) for an annual fee of Dh7,500 in media and education sectors with , officials announced on Tuesday.

The package, called Gofreelance, was launched by TECOM Group, a member of Dubai Holding, in partnership with Dubai Creative Clusters Authority.

Absolute Links vs. Relative Links - SEO Value

The debate between absolute links and relative links continues to live on in the SEO world. The individual significance of each has been contested, but it is widely regarded that absolute links provide better SEO value on the whole than relative links.

Many believe that absolute links have less potential for getting messed up when search engines index your page. It shouldn't really make a difference, but many conclude that this is reason enough.

The Importance of Anchor Text in Back-links

The importance of anchor text with respect to a linking strategy cannot be overstated. Back-links are a huge part of the search engine algorithm. When initiating a linking campaign, it is vital that external sites link using the appropriate keywords and terms in the anchor text.

Almost always, linking candidates will use the company name as anchor text. This does not provide any type of description of the target company's products or services. Sure, it may be great for branding purposes, but it isn't usually needed. In most cases, companies already rank very high (if not first) for searches that incorporate their brand.

Incorporation of Company Branding and SEO

SEO is not an exact science. This becomes apparent when trying to incorporate both SEO and branding into a strategy. This process is finicky to say the least.

On the one side, SEO deals with the placement of keywords and phrases. On the other side, branding deals with company loyalty and culture. Incorporating both sides dilutes the prominence of both. But eliminating one or the other may not meet all strategic and marketing goals.

How Much Does It Cost to Make a Website in Dubai

How Much Does It Cost to Make a Website in Dubai?

In the bustling cosmopolitan city of Dubai, where innovation and technology thrive, establishing a robust online presence has become an imperative for businesses and individuals alike. But as the question looms—"How much does it cost to make a website in Dubai?"—let's delve into the intricate web of factors that influence website development costs and unveil the panorama of possibilities.